Рет қаралды 966,720
Brands and goods created in our country. Special section "Made in Russia" on Ozon: bit.ly/808хOzon
Review of an expensive office on wheels, made on the basis of the Mercedes Sprinter.
The cost of the project for the customer in 2021 was $312,500. The price of such a mobile office in 2022 is already $500,000
Made at luxaria.ru/
Subscribe: clck.ru/M957F
Reviews of new smartphone models and test-drives of new cars 2021 and 2022, comparisons of Apple iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, Xiaomi and Huawei; Android and iOS, wireless headphones, laptops and drones, cheap Chinese gadgets and inexpensive equipment from Aliexpress, reviews of technology company offices in Russia, Asia, USA, China and Europe, test drives of electric cars, reports from factories, production facilities and price comparison of technology.